Graduate Research Assistant
Arizona State University
Arnab is a power electronics enthusiast pursuing his doctoral studies at Arizona State University. He has 2 years of industry experience with Mercedes-Benz Research and Development India, Bengaluru. He also has an internship experience with National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), Colorado. Arnab received his master’s in electrical engineering from IIT Kharagpur, India with a specialization in power electronics. He has been actively publishing articles and presenting his research in top IEEE conferences. He has won the best presentation award in APEC 2019, Anaheim, CA. Arnab is currently pursuing his doctoral studies on Grid Forming inverters and renewable grid integration at Arizona State University. He has been an active member of professional bodies like IEEE PES and PELS societies.
S15 - PV Inverter Design – Topologies, Control and System Considerations
Monday, February 26, 2024
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM PST