MTS - HV materials specialist
Advanced Energy
Antonios Tzimas (M’08, SM' 17) received the B.Eng. (2001) and M.Sc. (2003) degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Leicester and the Ph.D degree on ageing mechanisms of cable insulation in 2008. He joined Advanced Energy in 2018 as a HV materials specialist for High Voltage products. Previoulsy, he worked at the National Grid High Voltage laboratory at the University of Manchester as Post-Doctoral researcher till 2013 working on the ageing of outdoor and cable insulation. He then joined Alstom (later GE Power) in Materials and HV Technology Research center working on HVDC cable ageing facility till March 2018. He has cotributed towards 3 patents and over 30 peer reviewed publications. He is active in the IEEE DEIS technical committies.
IS24.5 - Electrical insulation considerations of Compact High Voltage Assemblies
Thursday, February 29, 2024
10:30 AM – 10:55 AM PST