Engineering Fellow
Spellman High Voltage
Alex Pokryvailo (M’05–SM’07) was born in Vyborg, Russia. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1975 and 1987, respectively. Since 2006, he is with Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corp., serving as Director of Research. His current and recent experience relates to design of HV high-power switch-mode power supplies, Pulsed Power, insulation testing, multiphysics simulations, fast diagnostics, and corona discharges. Previously, he studied switching arcs, designed SF6-insulated switchgear, researched interaction of flames with electromagnetic fields, etc. He has published over 150 papers, two textbooks (in Hebrew), and more than 20 patents pertaining to HV technology.
IS24.3 - Circuit and Field Simulations in HVPS Practice
Thursday, February 29, 2024
9:20 AM – 9:45 AM PST