Solid State Power LLC
George Mantov, CTO of Solid State Power LLC, has over 30 years of professional experience in Power Electronics R&D. He received a MS degree from the Technical University of Sofia, and did a research fellowship in the Institute of Instrument Building in the same city. In 1997 he joined Peco II Inc in Ohio where he become a head of R&D, then he joined APC (Schneider Electric) R&D center in North Billerica, MA. Later he founded his own R&D center in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is currently a CTO of Solid State Power LLC, (Dallas, TX), a startup company developing solid state transformers. Throughout his professional career he has done research and development of Matrix converters, Special magnetics for High efficiency power converters, and advanced power electronics architectures. Currently he works on HV and MV power electronic converters. He is a senior member of IEEE.
IS18.5 - SST Design Considerations in Regard to Substation Cybersecurity
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
3:40 PM – 4:05 PM PST