Narveson Innovative Consulting
Brian C. Narveson is currently the President of Narveson’s Innovative Consulting, which focuses on coaching Innovation in Engineering, Strategic Planning and Technical Marketing. Brian has been focused on the power industry for over 28 years. He joined Power Trends in 1992 shortly after it was founded as the Vice President of Engineering. His team developed the products which helped grow the company from less than $1M in sales in 1992 to over $60M in 1999 when it was purchased by Texas Instruments. After the acquisition he became the Marketing and Applications Manager for TI’s Power Module business. From this role he advanced to Worldwide Power Marketing Development Manager at TI (2002-2007). From 2007 until he retired from TI in 2011 he was the Midwest Analog Applications Manager for Texas Instruments.
Brian has served on the PSMA board of directors for 6 years. He has been co-chairman of the PSMA Packaging Committee for 16 years, which sponsored and facilitated the PSMA “PSiP2PwrSoC” Technical Report and Industry Sessions. They have also published 3 Technical Reports on 3D Packaging and have organized 3 International Symposiums on “3D- Power Electronics Integration and Manufacturing (3DPEIM)”. Brian has chaired many APEC Industry Sessions. In addition, Brian has served on the PSMA Technology Roadmap committee. He also serves on the Transportation Committee and is a member of the PwrSoc and IWIPP workshop steering committees. He has been involved with PSMA since 2001 when he became the company representative for TI.
Brian has attended every APEC since 1994 except one. He was a Plenary Speaker in 2014. He has presented 3 technical sessions and co-authored, presented at or chaired 11 industry sessions on power packaging.
Brian has published over 35 power electronics articles and conducted 5 Webinars in the US, Asia and Europe.
IS10 - Advances in 3D-Packaging Technology for Power Electronics
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
8:30 AM – 11:55 AM PST