The tremendous progress in semiconductor technology moved the spotlight for efficiency quest towards magnetics. The progress in magnetic technology has been limited, though novel magnetic solutions were developed and used in some recent applications. The seminar will focus on the latest magnetic technologies capable of pushing efficiency to a very high level. A study of the loss mechanism in magnetics and ways to improve it, together with novel magnetic structures will be presented.
The seminar will present in detail all the parasitic elements in magnetics, the loss mechanism associated with it and solutions in addressing them. The following items will be analyzed:
Leakage Inductance and methods of control and reduction.
Stray Inductance and its effects.
Parasitic capacitances and method of reduction.
Gap effect and techniques to reduce it.
EMI suppression in transformers.
Loss due to the “end effect:” and methods of reduction.
This section will also be highlighted with design examples in application wherein the power conversion efficiency reached 99%. The presentation will include the “multi-legged” magnetic technology, which is the latest magnetic technology today, referred also as “ultra-planar” magnetic. Other forms of distributed magnetic structures will be presented, some of them in power converters with the highest power density and lowest profile on the market.