This seminar is for the target audience of power supply designers with entry level or intermediate knowledge on EMC. The seminar includes a portable conducted emissions test setup that utilizes low voltage ( <60VDC) to demonstrate fundamental EMC troubleshooting in a practical way by using a lecture style that includes first the explanation of theory, then the simulation, then a live test to prove empirically how the theory holds true on a real design. The test board separates out common mode and differential mode noise so that the exact source of the EMI can be understood more fully and therefore a better solution can be implemented. It is common to see engineers using a guess and check method by just grabbing whatever components are available nearby, testing and then deciding what the next step is based on the test results.
Although this iterative method sometimes works, as engineers, we should strive to better understand the underlying phenomena to be able to implement a more precise solution and resolve EMC issues with less time and effort. The seminar will accomplish this by focusing on practical tips and tricks.