IS29.3 - The Real-Time Solution to Test and Debug Solar Grid-Tied Inverter Designs with Grid Feed Capability Used in Efficient Renewable Energy Applications
The contribution of solar photovoltaic (PV) in the electrical power sector is increasing at a faster rate. A grid-tied Inverters (GTI) system is popular due to the abundance of solar light and advanced power electronics techniques. The top renewable energy sources that are of importance are Solar, Geothermal, Wind and Hydropower. This paper will focus on different power stages in the bi-directional Grid Tied Inverter topologies and their design parameters in real-time environments. The paper highlights the key challenges to analyse system by acquiring real-time input and output voltage and currents from PV array simulator, DC-DC converters and DC-AC converters (1/3 PV Inverter) with dynamic AC load conditions. We will show how to measure MPPT timing and efficiency of charge controller, phase synchronization between GTI and PV inverters and PV inverter efficiency independently before integrating into a complete system. This will give more confidence to test and get ready for compliance testing which involves different IEC/IEEE standards. In summary designers will get to validate early in their workflows and avoid iterative testing during expensive certification process.