University of Alberta
I'm Amin KhakparvarYazdi and I'm currently studying my PhD program at the University of Alberta, Canada.
I have graduated with my Master's studies at Sharif University of Technology, Iran in 2013. After my Master’s, I co-founded a start-up company, focused on the Inverters and converters used for renewable energy applications. From 2014 to 2019, I work in the industrial environment improving my experience as a Power electronics designer designing high-frequency high power density converters.
During my work experience, I enhanced my expertise to design, simulate and implement different power electronics converters.
In my PhD, I've started to deepen my magnetic design and optimization for high-frequency converters and high power transformers using Finite Element Analysis software like Ansys to design and simulate power electronic converters not only considering main magnetic elements like transformers and inductors, but also parasitics, EMI and thermal considerations. Using different modules of Ansys software such as Maxwell 3D, Q3D, Icepack and Siwave, a converter with the PCB boards and all its components can be elaborately simulated to investigate to meet specific requirements.
Currently, my research focus is on the design and implementation of high-frequency converters and magnetic components to achieve high power density converters.
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
8:30 AM – 8:50 AM PST