Product Design Manager
Dr. Eric Guiot, Materials Science Doctor (Ph.D. from Paris University, Pierre et Marie Curie), now is product design manager for compound semiconductors at Soitec. He is graduated from the Ecole Centrale engineering school in France. He made his PhD on the development of epitaxy of iron oxide targeting giant magnetoresistance materials. He then joined Corning Fontainebleau Research Center in France for the development of integrated optics devices for telecommunication. In 2002 he joined Soitec in France. He has been working on the development of advanced engineered substrates targeting various applications covering digital application at advanced nodes and optoelectronics. He as led the product development group focused on compound semiconductor engineered substrates targeting solar, photonics and RF application until 2019.
T04.9 - SiC Engineered Substrate: Increasing SiC MOSFETs Current Density from Device to Module Level
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
11:40 AM – 12:00 PM PST
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
1:30 PM – 1:55 PM PST