Due to the impressive technology improvement in semiconductor and packaging technologies, the R&D effort moves towards controller implementation. While conventional feedback control design methods in frequency domain are well mastered in industry, this seminar demonstrates a major leap forward with the use of State Space based design. This time-domain modern control is usually perceived as an advanced control or research topic due to its inherent mathematical support. This seminar has the merit of scaling down the advanced concept for making it easier for either analog or digital implementation. Comparative to other design methods, the State Space based design reduces IC’s external component count, guarantees controllability, and provides an easier optimization. Instead of the conventional loop tuning, a formula calculates gains instantly. It is physically equivalent with a voltage/current cascaded control. When applied to multi-phase dc/dc converters with phase dropping, the phase dropping does not change dynamic performance for any phase count. An in-depth presentation of the method’s actual simplicity, with both digital and analog examples, opens this topic to any audience.