This paper investigates the active common-mode voltage (CMV) cancellation capability of the proposed X-type inverter and compares it with two commonly used inverter topologies in electric drives. The multi-level operation of X-type inverter reduces the peak CMV level, leading to the common-mode electromagnetic interference (CM EMI) noise magnitude reduction. In addition, only 0.01% of the required Y-capacitance value is needed compared to that of 3-phase 2-level inverter to meet EMI and safety standards simultaneously. The measured CMVs of X-type inverter verified that equal and opposite CMVs effectively cancel each other with 33% reduced peak CMVs compared to 2-level inverters. It is also verified that the overall measured CM EMI noise magnitude of the X-type inverter is up to 20 dBµV lower than that of the 2-level inverters in the frequency band (300 kHz – 15 MHz) by experiment validations due to the active CMV cancellation capability.