This paper proposes a new magnetic integration approach that combines all the magnetic components, including the leakage inductor, transformer, and filter inductors in the current doubler rectifier circuit. The proposed all-in-one core structure in this study is applicable to different topologies that include the current doubler rectifier circuit. By adopting this all-in-one core structure, not only does it reduce the number of magnetic components but it also simplifĂe the assembly process, resulting in cost reduction. Additionally, by utilizing the coupling effect of the proposed core structure, the phase shift full bridge (PSFB) converter can achieve the entire zero voltage switching (ZVS) range. Furthermore, the proposed structure also reduces the total magnetic volume by 15.7% and the total loss by 8.5% compared to the non-integrated. A 3 kW prototype of the PSFB converter with the current doubler rectifier has been built to validate the effectiveness of the all-in-one core structure.