Solar photovoltaic (PV)-rich power distribution systems are networked Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). These are control systems where multiple computing nodes and diverse intelligent agents interact with the physical world in real-time. However, the presence of networked components renders them vulnerable to potential cyber-attacks, cyber-intrusions, and other malicious events. This is because these systems depend on the measurements reported from their heterogeneous sensors. This makes them vulnerable to potential cyber-attacks where malicious agents can compromise the sensors or the communication networks carrying the sensor measurements. This paper proposes a novel methodology for enhancing the cyber-security and cyber-resilient post-attack safe operation of solar PV-rich power distribution systems against potential cyber-attacks through the Dynamic Watermarking (DW), using online system identification. The proposed approach can be applied to other types of power distribution systems to enhance their cyber-secure and cyber-resilient safe operation. This paper thereby contributes to the field of cyber-security of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (CPES).