In order to improve the conversion efficiency of the microwave rectifier circuit in wireless power transmission system, a compact high-efficiency rectifier circuit with an operating frequency of 5.8GHz is presented in this paper. The proposed rectifier involves a novel harmonic control structure which has two parts. Part A is an improved filter, which can reflect the 1st and 3rd harmonics back to the rectifier circuit,preventing the 2nd and 4th harmonics from entering the load to realize the filtering function. Besides, part A can minimize the overlap of voltage and current across the diode to reduce power losses further. Part B presents inductive impedance to eliminate the influence of diode parasitic capacitive at operating frequency, and presents open circuit to the third harmonic, which can block it to realize power recovery and utilization. Finally, a novel rectifier circuit using the HSMS-282X Schottky diode according to the proposed mode is designed. The correctness of the given idea is verified by simulation and experiment results.