Sombuddha Chakraborty
Kilby Labs Design Manager
Texas Instruments
Olivier Trescases
University of Toronto
Technical Lecture Presenter: Yicheng Zhu (he/him/his) – University of California Berkeley
Technical Lecture Presenter: Xinmiao Xu – Virginia Tech
Technical Lecture Presenter: Houle Gan – Google LLC
Technical Lecture Presenter: Pranav Raj Prakash, MS – CPES / Virginia Tech
Technical Lecture Presenter: Adhistira Madhyasta Naradhipa (he/him/his) – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Technical Lecture Presenter: José A. Cobos – Differential Power S.L.
Technical Lecture Presenter: Pavan Kumar, PhD (he/him/his) – Intel Corporation
Technical Lecture Presenter: Alexandr Ikriannikov, PhD – Analog Devices
Technical Lecture Presenter: Alejandro Castro, MS (he/him/his) – Differential Power S.L.